Sports PhysioTHERAPY

Book an appointment with your physiotherapist today!

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If you’re an athlete or just serious about sport, it’s important to maintain a high level of fitness and deal with injuries quickly.

Our physiotherapists will understand your needs so they can devise a plan for speedy recovery once we determine what type of injury has been sustained!

Our aim is for you to return to playing sport to the best of your abilities and prevent any re-injury.

Common sports injuries we treat include:

  • Ankle sprains
  • MCL or LCL knee sprains
  • Meniscus tears
  • ACL and PCL tears
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Patellar tendinopathy
  • Tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Hamstring, calf and quadriceps strains
  • Stress fractures and stress reactions
  • Dislocations and instability

We provide taping and casting services, including removal. Please contact the practice to enquire about pricing.

make an appointment to see one of our physiotherapists now


Monday: 8am-6:00pm
Tuesday: 8am-6:00pm
Wednesday: 8am-6:00pm
Thursday: 8am-6:00pm
Friday: 8am-5:00pm                     

© Everybody Physiotherapy Penrith